10 July, 2014
New Paper:Interface debonding characterization by image correlation integratedB. Blaysat, J. Hoefnagels, G. Lubineau, M. Alfano and M. Geers (2014). Interface debonding characterization by image correlation integrated with double cantilever beam kinematics. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Solids and Structures.
11 June, 2014
Congratulation to Marco for our new paper in International journal of Solid and StructuresProf. Lubineau has two papers accepted for publication in the International Journal of Solids and Structures
22 May, 2014
Welcome Prof. Bing Pan to visit COHMASProf. Bing Pan is a full professor in School of Aerospace Science & Engineering at Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics (BUAA), China. He will stay in our lab for two months and cooperate with us on 2D and 3D DIC for identification of matrials.
06 April, 2014
Prof. Gilles Lubineau has been appointed to the International Editorial Board of the International Journal of Damage MechanicsProf. Gilles Lubineau has been appointed to the International Editorial Board of the International Journal of Damage Mechanics
06 April, 2014
Yan Azdoud finished his PhD thesis defense and got his PhD degree successfullyYan Azdoud finished his PhD thesis defense and got his PhD degree successfully.
02 April, 2014
Yan and Fei’s paper was accepted for publication in Computational MechanicsYan and Fei’s paper The morphing method as a flexible tool for adaptive local/non-local simulation of static fracture was accepted for publication in Computational Mechanics
20 March, 2014
Jian and Isaac's paper is published on Industrial & Engineering Chemistry ResearchJian and Isaac's paper
Probing the Role of Poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/Poly(styrenesulfonate)-Coated Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes in the Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Polycarbonate Nanocomposites
is published on Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
09 December, 2013
Congratulations to our PhD student Lakshmi Selvakumaran for her accepted publication in Composite Structures!Lakshmi's new paper has been accepted for publication in Composite Structures: Electrical behavior of laminated composites with intralaminar degradation: a comprehensive micro-meso homogenization procedure
09 December, 2013
Congratulations to our Postdoc Fellow Jalal El Yagoubi for his accepted publication in Polymer Degradation and Stability!Jalal's new paper has been accepted for publication in Polymer Degradation and Stability: Thermomechanical and hygroelastic properties of an epoxy system under humid and cold-warm cycling conditions
09 December, 2013
Corrosion accepted Prof. Gilles Lubineau and Jalal Yagoubi’s new paper!Prof. Gilles Lubineau and Jalal El Yagoubi’s new paper has been accepted for publication in Corrosion: Model of Parameters Controlling Resistance of Pipeline Steels to Hydrogen-Induced Cracking
16 February, 2013
International Workshop on Computational and Experimental Mechanics of Advanced MaterialsWelcome to International Workshop on Computational and Experimental Mechanics of Advanced Materials (CEMAM).
CEMAM will take place at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Thuwal, Saudi Arabia during July 1-3, 2013.
04 February, 2013
Congratulations to our PhD student Yan Azdoud for his accepted pubilication in IJSS!Yan's new paper has been accepted for pubilcation in International Journal of Solid and Structures: A Morphing framework to couple non-local and local anisotropic continua.
22 January, 2011
COHMAS is granted for collaboration with UC-BerkeleyRobust Solutions for Virtual Testing: simulation and identification of non-linear behaviors" will be a collaborative project with Pr. Tamer El-Sayed at KAUST and the Mechanical Engineering department at UC-Berkeley.
14 January, 2011
Publication: A global equilibrium method accepted in "Computers and Structures"New identification strategies have to be developed on order to perform the identification quickly and at very-low cost. A popular class of approaches relies on full-field measurement obtained through digital image correlation.