Fatih Ertuğrul Öz, PhD

Postdoctoral Fellow

PhD (Bogazici University), MSc (Bogazici University), BSc (Istanbul Technical University)



Building 4, Level 2, 2207-WS16


Fatih Ertuğrul Öz is postdoctoral research fellow currently. He holds BSc degree in Manufacturing Engineering department at Istanbul Technical University, MSc and PhD degrees in Mechanical Engineering Department at Boğaziçi University. His research interests are Damage Mechanics, Mechanical Characterization, Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) in composite materials and sandwich structures. He has more than 10 years research experience with 5 years industrial experience.


Selected Publications

  • Oz, F. E., “Computational examination of the effect of voids on the mechanical response of composites with emphasize on the cure hardening behaviour”. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2023.
  • Alpay, Y. O., Oz, F. E., Sonmez, F. O., Cinar,  K. “Failure behavior of laminated composite plates under anticlastic bending”. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 2022.
  • Tabrizi, I. E., Oz, F. E., Zanjani J. S. M., Mandal, S. K., Yildiz M.Failure Sequence Determination in Sandwich Structures Using Concurrent Acoustic Emission Monitoring and Postmortem Thermography”. Mechanics of Materials, 2021, No: 104113.
  • Oz, F. E. “The importance of sandwich structures and the development of Kordsa’s first composite sandwich panel”. Reinforced Plastics, 2021. Vol.65-2, pp. 82-86.
  • Oz, F. E., Calik E. & Ersoy N. “Finite element analysis and acoustic emission monitoring of progressive failure of corrugated core composite structures”. Composite Structures, 253, 2020, No: 112775.
  • Oz, F. E., Mehdikhani, M., Ersoy, N., Lomov, S. V. “In-situ imaging of inter- and intra-laminar damage in open-hole tension tests of carbon fibre-reinforced composites” Composite Structures, 244, 2020, No: 112302.
  • Oz F. E., Ahmadvashaghbash S., Ersoy N., “Damage Mode Identification in Transverse Crack Tension Specimens Using Acoustic Emission and Correlation with Finite Element Progressive Damage Model”, Composites Part-B: Engineering, 165, 2019 pp. 84-95.
  • Oz F. E., Ersoy N., Mehdikhani M., Lomov S. “Multi-Instrument In-Situ Damage Monitoring in Quasi-Isotropic CFRP Laminates Under Tension”, Composite Structures, 196, 2018, pp. 163-180.
  • Sonmez F.O., Uzal A, Ersoy N., Oz F. E., Cinar K “A composite sandwich plate with a novel core design”, Composite Structures, 193, 2018, pp. 198-211.
  • Oz F. E., Ersoy N., Lomov S., “Do High Frequency Acoustic Emission Events Always Represent Fibre Failure in CFRP Laminates”, Composites Part-A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 103, 2017, pp 230-235.
  • Demir C., Oz F. E. “Free Vibration Analysis of a Functionally Graded Viscoelastic Supported Beam”, Journal of Vibration and Control, 20 (16), 2014, pp 2464-2486.


  • 2018, PhD, Mechanical Engineering, Boğaziçi University, Turkey
  • 2012, MSc, Mechanical Engineering, Boğaziçi University, Turkey
  • 2008, BSc, Manufacturing Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey

Professional Profile

  • 2023 – Present, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, COHMAS, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
  • 2021 – 2023, Engineering Team Leader, Kordsa, Turkey
  • 2020 – 2021, Production Leader, Kordsa, Turkey
  • 2018 – 2020, Project Leader, Kordsa, Turkey
  • 2018 – 2020, Assistant Professor, Istanbul Şehir University, Turkey
  • 2016 – 2017, Visiting PhD Scholar, KU Leuven, Belgium
  • 2013 – 2018, Research & Teaching Assistant, Boğaziçi University, Turkey
  • 2010 – 2013, Research & Teaching Assistant, Yıldız Technical University, Turkey


  • 2214-A - International Research Fellowship Grant for PhD Students, The Scientific And Technological Research Council Of Türkiye (TUBITAK), 2016 – 2017

Research Interests Keywords

Damage Mechanics Mechanical Characterisation Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of Composites Composite Materials