Yan Azdoud finished his PhD thesis defense and got his PhD degree successfully

06 April, 2014

Yan Azdoud was a PhD candidate in COHMAS lab. He got his thesis defensed in January successfully. The title of his thesis is A hybrid local/ non-local framework for the simulation of damage and fracture. The defense committee is as below:
Dr. Abe Askari (The Boeing Company, Seattle, USA)
Prof. Pedro Camanho (Referee, Universidad de Porto, Portugal)
Prof. Gilles Lubineau (Dissertation Supervisor, KAUST, KSA)
Prof. Martin Mai (KAUST, KSA)
Prof. Serge Prudhomme (Referee, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada)
Prof. Ravi Samtaney (Committee Chair, KAUST, KSA)
Prof. Tarek Zohdi (University of California at Berkeley, USA)
Now Yan is a Post-Doctoral fellow John Hopkins University.